Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

59 22% less. India will have to take up enhanced measures to reduce emissions from the transport sector, the energy-intensive industrial sector, especially cement, iron and steel, non-metallic minerals and chemicals. It would also require India to reinvent its mobility systems so that we can move people, not vehicles — augment public transport in our cities and improve thermal efficiency of our housing. All that is in our best national interests. • According to the IPCC, global emissions must halve by 2030 and reach Net Zero by 2050. Given the enormous inequity in emissions in the world, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries must then reach Net Zero by 2030, China by 2040 and India and the rest of the world by 2050. However, the targets for Net Zero are both inequitable and unambitious. According to this, OECD countries have declared a Net Zero target for 2050 and China for 2060.Therefore, India’s Net Zero target of 2070 is an extension of this and cannot be argued against. References • Vishwanathan SS, Garg A, Tiwari V, Kankal B, Kapshe M, Nag T(2017) Enhancing energy efficiency in India: assessment of sectoral potentials. Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency, UNEP DTU Partnership, Copenhagen. https://www.researchgate . net/publication/331589446_Enhancing_ Energy_Efficiency_in_India_Assessment_ of_Sectoral_Potentials • Garg A, Kankal B, Mohan P, Dhar S (2017a) Good Practice and Success Stories on Energy Efficiency in India. Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency: Copenhagen, UNEP DTU Partnership. https://unepdtu.org/ publications/good-practice-and-success- stories-on-energy-efficiency-inindia/ • INDC (2015) India’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution: Working towards climate justice. UNFCCC submission http:// www4.unfccc.int/submissions/INDC/ Published%20Documents/India/1/INDIA%20 INDC%20TO%20UNFCCC.pdf • Dubash N, Khosla R, Rao ND, Sharma RK (2015) Informing India’s Energy and climate debate: Policy lessons from modelling studies. Centre for Policy Research, Climate Initiative, Research Report. Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi. http://pure.iiasa.ac.at/ id/eprint/11644/1/Informing%20India%27s%20 Energy%20 and%20Climate%20Debate_CPR- IIASA.pdf • Saritha Sudharmma Vishwanathan, Panagiotis Fragkos, Konstantinos Fragkiadakis, Amit Garg, Assessing enhanced NDC and climate compatible development pathways for India, • Energy Strategy Reviews, Vol 49,2023,101152, ISSN 2211-467X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j. esr.2023.101152. • Saritha S. Vishwanathan et al., Energy system transformation to meet NDC, 2 °C & well below 2 °C targets for India; Climatic Change (2020) 162:1877–1891; https://doi. org/10.1007/s10584-019-02616-1