Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

51 Figure 1: Increasing Relevance of Bespoke Performance Enhancers Bespoke Performance Enhancers can help deliver Leaner, Greener and Better Cements Push for decarbonizati on and sustainability Increasing cost of clinker Depleting Limestone reserves Clinker is Expensive Clinker is Polluting Limestone Deposits are Depleting Cost of fuel and other input costs have pushed the clinker costs to significantly higher levels than say 5-10 years back. In this backdrop, every percentage of clinker saved can have substantial impact on the bottomlines of the cement manufacturers. Every ton of clinker production leads to >800 KG of CO 2 emissions. Considering that the world today produces >3 billion tons of clinker per annum, just one 1% lower clinker consumption by cement industry can push the carbon footprint down by >30 million tons of CO 2 emissions. Limestone deposits are depleting both in terms of quality and quantity. This makes clinker an increasingly difficult commodity to produce. In the greater interest of sustainability of the industry and deposits, chemical additives can be designed better to deliver greater quality of final cement while minimizing clinker consumption. 1 2 3