Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

50 Bespoke Formulations Future of Grinding Aids and Performance Enhancers Anant Pokharna, Dr S P Pandey Ravi Malik, and Vaibhav Khodke UNISOL Team Cement industry the world over is facing increasing scrutiny and pressure on reducing its carbon footprint and making cement production more sustainable. One of the measures, which cement manufacturers are looking to leverage, is deployment of performance enhancers in cement grinding for delivering desired cement quality with reduced clinker factor. Such performance enhancers are supplied by many vendors globally. Most such products are standard factory-made products, which due to lack of custom designs, are tried to “forced-fit” into requirements of the cement manufacturer. This article highlights why and how more customised designing of performance enhancer formulations must be undertaken before deployment by cement manufacturers. Relevance of Bespoke Formulations The following factors make it more relevant than ever before to have precisely designed and perfectly fitting performance enhancers, which could help deliver maximum quality of cement with minimum clinker factor.