Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

44 Fig-6 Current Status of CCUS Fig-7 Progress of CCUS in India 2018 Mission Inovation - US DOE Assisted for CCUS 2019 Accelerating CCS Technologies (Act) - Excuted by DST - Focus on Funding 2021 COP - 26 - By 2023 to reduce Carbon intensity - Net Zero by 2070 2022 National Centers of Excellence at IIT-M & JNASCR Current Status of CCUS - Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Progress of CCUS Fig-5 depicts the opportunities and challenges of some CCUS technologies. The technology readiness level of different technological paths can be evaluated according to the definition of various levels. TRL-4 indicates that technology is validated in the laboratory, TRL- 6 demonstrated in the relevant environment, TRL-7 means prototype system demonstrated in the operational, TRL-8 system is complete and qualified, whereas TRL-9 actual system is proven in the operational environment according to the European Council studied report, Horizon 2020-work programme on technology readiness level. Fig-6 shows the status of some of the CCUS technologies. 10 8 6 4 2 0 Mineralization 9 Absorption 8 Calcium Looping 7 Adsorpion 6 Direct Capture 6 Oxy fuel 6 Membrane 4