Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

35 capacity. That’s 9 litres per m /h in metric units. For example, 3 a small 200 CFM compressor needs a 3m air receiver. Costs and energy savings • Reduction of 1 Kg/cm air pressure (8 Kg/cm to 7 Kg/cm) would result in 9% input power savings. • Compressed air leak from 1 mm hole size at 7 kg/cm pressure would mean power loss equivalent to 4500 kWh per year. • Compressed air leakage quantity can be as low as 8-10% • Optimum pressure drop between generation and end user point can be less than 0.5 bar. • Maintaining intercooler performance can save 7% power on compressor. • Every 4°C rise in inlet air temperature of compressor results in a higher energy consumption by 1% to achieve equivalent output. • Recommended compressed air outlet temperature after intercooler is to ambient temperature +20°C • Minimum quantity of Cooling Water required (in litres per minute) is 2.85 m3/min for a single stage compressor operating at 7 bar pressure. • Transvector nozzles can reduce power and save compressed air up to 50%. A two-stage reciprocating air compressor is about 15% more efficient compared to a single stage unit. Temperatures • The typical discharge temperature of a rotary screw compressor (before aftercooler) is: 80°C • The typical discharge temperature of a single stage reciprocating compressor is: 135°C • The typical discharge temperature of a two- stage reciprocating compressor is: 120°C • In rotary screw compressors, every 10°C above 95°C reduces the compressor oil life by 50% Invotech Industrial Solutions Private Limited keeps itself abreast of latest development in Cement Industry so as to cater the need of the industry using latest technology and quality systems. Also, with a view to retain the requisite competitive edge in the market, participated in various Seminars, details as under: - 1. Presented paper at “Best Practices in Energy Efficiency in Cement Sector- A path for Decarbonization “ under the Knowledge Sharing Platform initiative on 14th March 2023 in Udaipur at Radisson Hotel. 2. 15th, 16th & 17th NCB International Seminar on cement, concrete & building materials held from 5th to 8th Dec, 2017 and 3rd to 6th Dec, 2019 and 6th to 9th Dec, 2022 at Manekshaw Center, New Delhi. 3. “National workshop cum technology exhibition to promote energy efficient & cleaner production for sustainable industrial growth” held from 8th to 9th March, 2018, at India Habitat center, New Delhi, where presented a Technical Paper on “SIGNIFICANT SAVINGS IN ENERGY THROUGH FALSE AIR REDUCTION” & received an award for “UPCOMING ENTREPRENEUR IN THE FIELD OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY” presented by Mr. Pankaj Kumar, Secretary, Bureau of Energy Efficiency. 4. 14th Green Cementech in 2018 held from 17th to 18th May, 2018 at Hyderabad International Convention Center, Hyderabad where we presented Technical Paper on “Enhancing Energy efficiency in Captive Power Plants by reduction of False Air”. Also attended 16th Green Cementech in 2020 through Online mode. 5. Articles published in prestigious publications: • CMA’s technical journal “cement energy & environment” • “Energy savings through false air reduction”, vol. 17 No. 1 (Jan – Jun 2018). • “Energy savings by reduction of thermal losses from kiln shell”, vol. 18 No. 1 (Jan – Jun 2019).