Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

31 Compressor often considered as fourth utility of any industry consumes significant amount of plant’s total energy consumption. Yet it is given very little attention unless something goes wrong. The facility’s monitoring system should be able to monitor and record system compressor & drier power consumption, flow, temperature, and pressure. • The efficiency of the compressor is usually estimated by the energy consumption of the compressor for given flow of the compressor at a given pressure. This is termed as Specific Energy Consumption(kW/cfm). • When debated about system efficiency and pressure requirements in a continuously 5. Energy Management system for compressor Benefits Cost Benefit analysis of changing the standby compressor to regular operating compressor is given below. Cost Benefit analysis Description Units CP 1 CP 6 Power during Loading kW 181.1 160.2 Unload Period Min 0.17 0.25 Loading Period Min 0.17 0.08 Cycle Time 0.33 0.33 Unload power kW 115 89 Operating Hours consider hrs 7440 Energy Savings on running D33 CP6 kW 26 Energy Cost Rs./kWh 6.24 Annual Energy savings kWh 193440 Energy Cost savings Rs Lakhs 12 Simple payback period months Immediate Note* The savings is given on the indicative figure. Operating hours is considered only for 310 days of operation if operated for longer during saving might change. operating plant, pressure requirement always dominates. Pressure drop across the network could be of multiple reasons, like leaks, pipe sizing, addition of components, etc. This always annoys the end user and as a result the system pressure at the compressor end is increased. • But note that a reduction of delivery pressure by 1 bar in compressor would reduce the power consumption by 9%. With a centralized compressor monitoring system at place pressure, flow, temperature, power consumption will be captured over longer period. Using this data, long-term system operation can be tracked, with notations made