Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

30 Background • The packing plant operates with no interruption of compressed air which is catered by three compressors of which two are regularly operating and one is standby. Findings • It is found during the audit that the plant Recommendations: • It is recommended to operate the compressor CP2 and CP6 as regular compressor and the Compressor CP1 to be standby. 4. Change of standby compressor to Regular operating compressor for packing plant. compressed air is Catered from CP 1 1000CFM, CP 2 760CFM and the CP6 1016 is stand by. In which the CP2 760CFM is incorporated with VFD. • From the power log analysis that the cycle time of the other two compressor and the load and unload power is analysed. • It is found that the unload power of the compressor CP6 is 89 kW and the CP1 power 115kW for the same operating CFM. CP 1 Compressor Power profile CP 6 Compressor Power Profile