Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

29 Benefits Cost benefit analysis is given below. Cost benefit analysis for zero air drain valve Description Units Values Present condition Condensate drain is timer based. Size of the orifice inches 1/4" Air flow through 1/4" orifice at 5.5 bar CFM 85 CFM (A) 82 Drain on time secs 9 Drain off time secs. 900 Total cycle time secs 909 Time considered for valve sending out air min 0.07 SEC Actual kW/CFM 0.17 Total operating hours for operating compressors hrs 8760 Total drains nos 19 Proposed condition After Installation of Zero Air Drain Total air wasted CFM 108 Power required to generate air loss kW/h 17.79 Energy Cost Rs./kW 6.24 Annual power required to generate loss kW 155820 Annual cost savings expected Rs. Lakhs/annum 9.7 Investment Rs. Lakhs/annum 5 Description Units Values Simple Payback period months 6.2 Findings • The condensate drain valve was a timer based one, the drain was operated to let the condensate open to atmosphere. It was found that it discharges air as well. Timer is fixed with two different settings one is every 2min 10sec open and other is every 14 min and 7 sec. • All the drains are connected to one main line which is good practice, but the condensate need to checked on the basis of schedule maintenance. Recommendations • It is recommended to replace the existing drain valve with a zero-air drain valve.