Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

28 The places where the blower cannot be installed the compressor air lines can be installed with air gun or with air amplifier nozzle (Refer Figure 6) which operates between 1-2.5 bar. which consume significantly less energy compared to direct usage but much higher air flow. Cost benefit analysis for Electrical Blowers is given below Description Units Values Present condition Total no of machines required for cleaning nos 6 Pressure at use kg/cm2 3 - 4.8 Time spent per cleaning min 3-10.0 Air delivered at end use pressure CFM 82 At 80% throttle position CFM 68.8 SEC Actual kW/CFM 0.17 Annual usage time hrs 2190 Annual usage days nos 122 Annual Energy Wasted kWh 30060 Proposed condition Energy Cost Rs./kWh 6.2 Blower Investment cost (Rs25000/Unit) Rs/Lakhs 1.5 One Blower unit Energy Consumption kW 1.2 Annual Energy consumed kWh 15768 Annual Energy Saving kWh 14292 Annual cost savings Rs/Lakhs 1 Payback Period Months 2 Note* The CFM wasted through the orifice is taken from the standard table of CAGI. Operating hours on the basis the machine cleaning is considered only for every 3days once. The savings calculated may vary on the basis of the purchasing vendor and operator utilization. Background • Condensate drains is installed to remove condensate along with contamination from the system, preferably without losing excess compressed air and without the need to shut down the system. 3. Replace the drain valve at all receiver tanks with Zero air condensate drain valve.