Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

27 Wall Mount blower for cleaning Electric Blower 2.1.3 Avoid direct usage of compressed air inmachine cleaning and incorporate the use of portable electrical blower. Background There are 21 compressors installed to cater the compressed air requirement ,8 compressors for cement Mill 1 &2, packing plant, 13 compressors to cater the Dense phase, BTAP area bulker loading. During normal plant operating conditions compressors are being operated between 5-6.8bar for supplying compressed air, Compressed air is used for cleaning. Findings During the audit at cement packing plant, it was observed that the compressed air at 4-6 bar pressure is being used to clean the machines, (considering avg time of 3-10 mins to each machine). This could be one of the direct compressed air wastages, apart from it could also account for noise and damage of components. Recommendations The compressed air line quarter inch, half inch main line which are accessible for the machine cleaning near the machinery can be closed. Outside the packing floor Separate cordless blower (Refer Figure 4) can be installed for the roller packing machine and the places where the machine cleaning is required. so that during the need the operating person can use it for cleaning the machine. As cement precipitation and accumulation are the most form of dust cleaned in the operation. This could be energy efficient as it consumes about 0.7-1.5kW.