Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

26 Benefits Cost benefit analysis is given below. Cost benefit analysis for use of wall mount personal blowers Note* The number of workers is considered only 50 for a day. The investment cost for the equipment varies with vendor. Description Units Values Present condition Present system Size of orifice/(pu tube sizes) mm 10-18mm Pressure at end use kg/cm2 5 No of points identified nos. 10 Average time spent by each worker mins 1.00 Air discharge for 50% valve opening at 4-5 bar CFM 83 No of workers using it (approx.) nos. 50 Annual working days days 365 Average Specific Energy Consumption kW/CFM 0.17 Energy Cost Rs./kWh 6.2 Total CFM wasted CFM 4150 Time spent in Misusing air, annually hrs 304 kW wasted kW 691 Annual Wasted Energy kWh 210142 Proposed condition Avoid usage of compressed air for self-de-dusting, instead install and use personal blowers. Supply air pressure mbar 210 Supply Air flow CFM 55-75 Power Consumption of the device kW 1.4 Annual energy consumption of the device kWh 425.8 Annual Energy Savings kWh 209716 Cost of operation Rs. Lakhs 0.027 Annual Cost Savings Rs. Lakhs 13.09 Annual Investment for 10 units Rs. Lakhs 15 Description Simple Payback period months 14