Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

25 2.1.2 Avoid usage of compressed air for personal cleaning & de-dusting. Background There are eight compressors installed to cater the compressed air requirement in cement mill, Packing plant and Bulker loading. During normal plant operating conditions 7 compressors are being operated for supplying compressed air and one is kept as stand by Cement mill compressor room. 13 compressors are operated according to the plant demand in BTAP compressor room. Compressed air is used for cleaning. Findings Compressed air is used for cleaning of machines. Compressed air is supplied at 4 -5 kg/cm2 is used for cleaning through quarter inch hose pipe at multiple locations (4 considered with average of 10 people for 3-shifts). Portable electrical Blowers can be used for cleaning the machine. In addition to process usage many areas direct compressed air is using applications like personal cleaning before and after work. Some leakage points were identified and the same is given in Compressed air section. As per OHAS standard 1910.242.b, air pressure in direct contact with the skin cannot exceed 210 kPa (30 psi or 2.1 Bar). Following are the major hazards with direct usage of compressed air for personal cleaning. • High-pressure injection of particles or liquids may damage eyes or skin. • Compressed air entering the bloodstream through a break in the skin or through a body opening can create an air bubble (embolism), which is a dangerous (and potentially deadly) medical condition. • A misdirected jet of compressed air to the head can cause serious eye injuries or rupture the eardrum. • Excessive noise may cause hearing loss and rupture eardrums. Recommendations The Wall mount dust blowers can be efficiently utilized in de-dusting the working person. This will be energy efficient as the blower take ambient air at lower pressure and consume lower power. (Refer Figure 4)