Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

24 1.3 Compressor Leak Audit Compressed air leaks are simply demands created with no value but increases energy costs. There are many leaks in the plant at joints, couplings, valves, instrumentation, etc along the pipelines and near end use equipment’s. In addition to that compressed air is being inappropriately used at many locations at the plant for cleaning purposes. 2.1 Compressors 2.1.1 Fix the identified compressed air leaks. Background: Compressed air system is one of the most important utilities of the plant, where the Benefits Cost benefit analysis is given below. Cost benefit analysis for immediate repairs is given below 2. Energy Conservation Measures compressed air is widely used over all the sections of the plant. Findings Compressed air leak audit was conducted at the plant to identify leaks along the pipelines of compressed air network, the identified leaks were tagged immediately at site with yellow and red tags, red tags indicating necessity to repair immediately. There were many leaks identified. Recommendations Fix all the identified leaks by replacing damaged components and tightening of other components to arrest air leakages mostly at joints. Description Units Values No of leak points Identified nos 234 Leakage detected LPM 4862 CFM 172 Average Specific Energy Consumption kW/CFM 0.17 Annual Operating Hours hrs 7440 Estimated Energy Savings kWh 210969 Actual Cost Savings Rs.(lakhs) 18.6 Investment for repairs Rs.(lakhs) 05 Simple Payback period months 3.5