Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

23 Functioning of ultrasonic leak detector When gas escapes a pressurized line, it generates a sound in the range of 25 kHz to 10 MHz, well above the frequencies, the human ear is sensitive to but in a range easily identifiable to Ultrasonic Sensors. When the detector senses ultrasonic frequencies, they are isolated from normal background noise, amplified, and converted to a frequency audible to humans. 1.1 Compressor Compressed Air used in a cement industry serves as an aid in moving materials, tooling, manufacturing, and packing in process equipment’s. For meeting the plant compressed air requirements after the Clinker process, Cement Mills, Packing Process and Bulker loading the plant had installed 08 compressors in which 03 for cement mill 01 and 02 which is operated to meet the demand 03 for Packing 1.2 Instrument used for Compressor Leak Audit We used CS Instrument LD 500 leak detector. Leak Detector LD 500 1. Compressed Air System CASE STUDY Detection principle When a gas passes through a restricted orifice under pressure, it goes from a pressurized laminar flow to low pressure turbulent flow. The turbulence generates a broad spectrum of sound called “White Noise”. There are ultrasonic components in this white noise. Since the Ultrasound is loudest at the leak site, it can be detected very easily. Plant with 02 in regular operation 01 as stand by, remaining 02 compressor are meeting the demand for Bulker Loading. For the BTAP, Dene Phase and Bulker loading have installed 13 compressors in separate compressor room, about 21 compressors in total. compressors, the compressed air is distributed all over the plant through GI pipelines from these primary units. Given below the details of installed compressors. Feature of LD500 Quantify leaks in lpm and cost Identify smaller leakages Take photos of leak points Auto level Describe leaks and locations