Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

19 utilised in major industrial sectors are tabulated below: Industry/Sector Application of compressed air use Automotive Power tools, actuation and control, robotic arms, conveying, paint spray, cleaning Cement Bag Filters, Air Blasters, Conveying, instrumentation and control, service air, Packing machines Chemicals Conveying, instrumentation and control, service air Food & Beverages Bottling, Conveying, instrumentation and control, service air, cleaning, vacuum packaging Engineering/ Manufacturing Power tools, clamping, actuation, cleaning, spraying, injection moulding, sand blasting Mining Tools, hoists, controls and actuation Pulp & Paper Conveying, instrumentation and control, service air Metals Vacuum degassing, Bag lters, conveying, instrumentation and control, service air Power Conveying, instrumentation/actuating and control, service air Textiles Agitation, Clamping, Conveying, Loom jet weaving, spinning, instrumentation and control, service air COMPRESSOR LEAK AUDIT Compressed air leaks are simply demands created with no value but increases energy costs. There are many leaks in the plant at joints, couplings, valves, instrumentation, etc along the pipelines and near end use equipment’s. In addition to that compressed air is being inappropriately used at many locations at the plant for cleaning purposes. FINDING LEAKS Leakage rates identified in cubic feet per minute (CFM) are also proportional to the square of the orifice diameter. This means that if you double the leak orifice size, you will quadruple the leak flow rate. Leaks most commonly occur at the following locations: • Couplings • Hoses • Tubes • Fittings • Pipe Joints • Quick Disconnects • FRLs (filter, regulator, lubricator) • Condensate Traps • Valves • Flanges • Packing • Thread Sealant’ • Point-Of-Use Devices In addition to being a source of wasted energy, leaks can also contribute to other operating losses. Leaks: • Cause a drop in system pressure, which can make air tools function less efficiently, adversely affecting production; • Shorten the life of almost all supply system equipment (including the compressor package itself) by forcing the equipment to cycle more frequently; • Cause increased running time, which can also lead to additional maintenance requirements and increased unscheduled downtime; and • Can lead to adding unnecessary compressor capacity.