Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

14 by computerized blending options, Original waste/rejects projected were 34% but have been brought down to 12% by absorbing 2% lesser grade of limestone i.e. from 41% CaO to 38% CaO as cut-off. 2. Water conservation Rainwater Harvesting at Mines Pit: Mines Sump capacity is 45 lac Cu.m. Presently Sump water is used to cater for the plant requirement, Domestic uses in plant, mines, colony and supply to the village pond (Rawan & Pendri). At the Plant, colony and mines, a water treatment plant has been installed for using 100% of mine sump water. In today’s scenario, groundwater usage is 0%. Roof water harvesting: Roof Water harvesting system is installed in the office buildings for the conservation of rainwater. Recycle of waste vehicle washing water: Wastewater after washing vehicles is recycled and again used for washing. Drip irrigation: The drip irrigation technique is adopted in plantation and garden areas. 3. Lower CO 2 emissions by transitioning to renewable energy • Renewable energy- The power requirement for mines is 5 MW and we have installed a 10.8MW solar power plant. O ur entire requirement is fulfilled by renewable energy resources only. • Standard fuel: Best quality fuel material is being used for HEMM operations for less generation of CO 2 and better performance. • Maintenance practices: Periodic maintenance practices are strictly followed to reduce wear and tear of machinery as well as to improve the life of machinery. • In-Pit Crusher: Rawan-Jhipan Limestone Mines had reached an average lead distance of 3Km and the initial crusher was installed at the surface with a mine working depth of 40 Meters. The in-pit crusher with a dry beneficiation system has been installed at a depth of 20 M from OGL to optimize the lead distance and lift from working depth due to which the fuel consumption is reduced and hence able to lower CO 2 emission. • Use of empty bags in Blasting: Ammonium Nitrate empty bags creating environmental issues in storage and disposal are being used in the blast hole that are helpful in the reduction of explosive consumption and same time help in better environmental management. • Use of Used Oils in Blasting: The waste oil after HEMM maintenance is also used in blast holes for blasting purposes to avoid environmental issues for storage and disposal. 4. Environmental management Plantation & Green Belt development: At the mining lease boundary, we are developing a 7.5-meter green belt area to maintain and protect the environment. In the current year, we have replanted 6,800 No. trees in the green belt area for gap filling. Afforestation and Green belt development in 14 % of lease area i.e. 101.67-hect area. 5. Corporate Social Responsibility The company is conscious of its obligations to society at large. The company is engaged in carrying out various CSR activities at its already-set-up plant. The beneficial aspects of the projects on the socio-economic environment of the area are in the areas of employment, service, trade, commerce, public utility, literacy, social awareness, health care facilities, recreation etc. M/s. UltraTech Cement Ltd. (Unit: Rawan Cement Works) management has contributed substantially to the overall economy and social development of the area