Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)
Page 70 Separation table separation of the remaing fraction into a plastic (organic) fraction and a mixed metal fraction Mixed plastics Depolymerization < 400 C Hydrogenation 1 (liquid phase) Hydrogenation 2 (gas phase) Petrochemical processes Metals H 2 < 100 bar Synerude Gas <450 C Hydrogenation bitumen HCL Condensation re: De-polymerization of plastics and conversion processes Chemical Recycling Process Recycling process is sho re. This process was developed by the Association of Plastic Manufactures in Europe (APME). Refer abov re below. • Mixed plastic wast rst de-polymerized at about 350–400 °C and de-halogenat step also includes removal of metals. • In hydrogenation unit 1, the remaining polymer chains from depolymerized unit are cracked at temperatures between 350–400 °C and hydrogenated at pressure greater than 100 bar. After hydrogenation, the liquid product is subjected to distillation and left over & inert material is collected in the bottom of distillation column as residue and hydrogenation bitumen. • In hydrogenation unit 2, high quality obtained by hydro-treatment, which are sent to petrochemical process. Thermal Recycling Process In thermal recycling process, plastics are used as fuel for energy recovery. Since plastics have high c value, which is equivalent to or greater than coal, they can be combusted to produce heat energy in cement kilns. APME has found thermal recycling of plastic as the most environmentally sound option for managing WEEE/ E-waste plastic fraction. Metals Recycling / Recovery Metals recycling takes place in terms of lead recycling, copper recycling and precious metals recycling. After sorting of metal fractions at second level WEEE/E-waste treatment, they are sent to metal recovery facilities.
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