Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

Page 66 Present global plastic production accounts as under 31% 3% 17% 19% 4% 16% 3% 7% Global Plastic Production (2020) Region Global Production China Japan Rest of Asia North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Latin America Europe C’S Middle East & Africa With over 280 million tons of plastic produced annually, the world has become inexpensive, plastic is an ideal choice for consumers. There are various forms of synthetic plastic including polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyethylene, terephthalate and polyurethane. Over one third of plastics produced are manufactured into cups, straws and stirrers that people use every day. To better understand plastic pollution it is helpful to analyze the creation, lifespan and disposal of plastic bottle. In manufacturing of plastic produced by polymer chains of polythene terephthalate, which are melted & shaped into plastic shipped & consumed. After consumption years to decompose and can poison water will eventually reach the ocean and be drawn towards the vortex where plastic accumulates. If the bottle is recycled, it is transformed back into raw plastic and will most likely end up in the ocean, furthering marine plastic pollution. Plastics are long-lived and non-biodegradable, making them a major environmental issue. Presently, ocean gyres plastic and as a result ecosystem and marine wildlife are severely impacted. Therefore, it is necessary to deter the negative impacts of plastic pollution on marine wildlife by developing and using biodegradable plastics. According to the Plastic Ocean Foundation, more than 8 million tons of plastics are dumped into oceans every year. One of the main concern related to this pollution is damage it poses to marine wildlife and biodiversity, often times aquatic animals are injured by entanglement or ingestion of plastic. Animals such as seabird, turtles or dolphins can become entangled in debris in oceans, risking injury or death. There are biodegradable alternatives to conventional plastic also, these biodegradable polymers are able to undergo decomposition and degrade into carbon dioxide, methane, water and biomass from the enzymatic action of naturally occurring microorganism over period of time. as compostable or degradable.