Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

Page 64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S. No. Action Oct 20 Nov 20 Dec 20 Jan 21 Feb 21 Oct 21 Nov 21 units whose EER ratio is less than 5.4 Listed all air conditioner which can be replaced Collaborated with EESL Finalization of techno commercial 78 ACs whose EER ratio is above 5.4 Installation of 61 AC in phase 1 Installation of 17 AC in phase 2 Observation & Monitoring V. Bosch Packer Panel Air Conditioner Replacement which not only saves energy but improves packer panel performance. When insulation loses its ability to insulate, energy is lost and the equipment must work weak pipe insulation. Replaced the damaged insulation pipe of Air conditioners at