Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

Page 49 The concept must be well known by the operators and they must be trained to do the right things when emergency inerting becomes necessary. Alternatively, the emergency inserting process can be fully automated. - Pressure transducer Equipment in which, as the result of emergency inerting, the pressure could rise as to open explosion vents has to be equipped with a pressure transducer that only during emergency inerting controls a relief valve in a wellchosen position. The relief has to be organised on the basis as much as necessary (as to not open the explosion vents) and as little as possible (as to not waste emergency inerting medium). CO needs to properly evaporate, before it is sent into the distribution lines. CO and N systems come under various extinguishing in it. The only suitable name and the only suitable set-up is emergency inerting system. The main function of the system always is to quickly reduce the O in the piece of equipment or in the section of the system into which the inerting medium is injected. The gas storage and distribution systems in the industry often come from sources The number of inadequate systems in the industry is legion. Emergency inerting has to be included in the controls of a coal grinding system. The concept behind these controls has to be well-thought. E.g. it must be possible to isolate certain not-too-voluminous sections by means of valves.