Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

The raw coal storage team has to be equipped with the right technology in order to do what they need to do. Critical situations have to trigger a systematic, trained approach in which every member of the team knows his role and the critical situations and the team’s reactions on them have to be analysed and recorded for training purposes. - Raw coal conveyor belts Metal detection and separation has to be to be ejected from the conveying stream automatically. Often Fe detection and separation are in place, but not non-Fe detection and separation. Pre crushers and their connected the explosion pressure shock resistance they should have, so that an explosion in them can cause disintegration and possibly disintegrated parts, which then could turn into missiles. included in their design. Downstream of a crusher another Fe detection and separation have to be in place. load, so that it often will get lost into the environment over a few meters downstream of the transition point. dust can start to smoulder and a dust explosion can take place, so that it would be good not to need them. that there can be an explosive atmosphere think it out to the end and all they will do is Apart from the fact that the explosion vent(s) in many cases is(are) not corresponding with the explosion pressure should, explosion venting is only one of the 3 elements of the constructional explosion protection that have to be in place. Just as important it is to make sure that explosion venting, it is important to ensure side with fan and the situation below the has a rotary valve. The rotary valves installed normally are not qualifying as explosion isolation system and serve only as airlock. explosion, so that it is necessary to install a smoke detector that is connected with the control room. It is important that the stops automatically, when the smoke detector signals trouble. - Raw coal silos (bunkers) In many situations, raw coal silos have no When coal with a high percentage (e.g. 35 %) of volatile matter (VM) is used, the ever-present potential of auto-starting become reality in a raw coal silo without given and noticed warning indications of this in the stockpiling in the yard. With ever changing market conditions, it often makes sense to be prepared for the use of coal with a high VM percentage. Page 33