Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

- access for maintenance is good - uncompromised preventive and protection are in place footprint and short paths for process air and coal, little enclosed structure and with the raw coal silo, the upper structure Fire and explosion protection must distinguish between preventive and constructional explosion protection. protection Preventive protection can be realised by: - yard management that ensures that no reaches the raw coal silo(s) - reliable separation of metals, Fe and silo(s) - limiting O in the process air to maximal 12 % process wise - process control that ensures that no set HIGH/HIGH limits for temperature, CO and O are exceeded - emergency measures and procedures (like gaseous CO inundation = emergency inerting), with their use known by the operators and trained A good example of a topic about which confusion exists is emergency inerting. The solutions sold by the relevant suppliers are sold under all kind of names, often wrong. protection Constructional protection for air swept is realised by: - explosion pressure shock resistance (EPSR) withstanding unmitigated hopper and DRW rotor feeder) - explosion venting (pressure mitigation) by means of self reclosing explosion vents with the necessary degree of EPSR of the protected equipment in place - explosion de-coupling with the necessary degree of EPSR in place - explosion isolation with the necessary degree of EPSR in place Explosion venting releases the pressure in a vessel in which explosive combustion causes heath and with that increases the pressure at a high rate per unit of time. Explosion venting never reduces the explosion pressure to zero. (and for many other systems) it is important that self-reclosing explosion vents are used. If, after the explosion venting has taken the O of the ambient air and the use of CO or N will dissipate into the atmosphere. explosions. For prevention, preventive protection in form of safe operation methods and emergency technology has to be in place. Page 31