Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

In general, it can be said that the protection technology, which is very special knowledge, is neither good on the purchasing side nor on the side of the system suppliers. System suppliers in European countries and in the USA in which deep pit coal mining is taking place, or has taken place in the past, have a fundus in the form of literature and standards. In these countries industrial explosion protection developed starting from a basis of research in explosion protection for the mines, in which so called hybrid explosions would take place from time to time. Hybrid explosions are explosions in which’ combustibles are a mix of combustible gas and combustible dust. In the case of explosions in deep pit coalmines, the combustibles normally were methane and whirled up coal dust. It is in these countries that institutes and universities engaged and are still engaged and explosion protection. Presently, research for the development of industrial place in other countries and a multinational community of organizations occupied with industrial explosion protection exists. This multinational community is not taking a special interest in the explosion protection those used in the cement industry. The coal grinding systems of the cement industry today are so called coal grinding systems, also known as The mills are either air swept vertical roller mills (VRMs) or air-swept horizontal ball mills the ground coal is collected in silos from which it is discharged to be dosed into pneumatic conveying systems that feed a burner. In order to get the ground coal into process air. processing coal, with dust airborne in certain concentrations, there are locations in the system in which temporarily or continuously an explosive atmosphere exists. That is, when the process air in the system has more than 12 % O . It can be said that all today’s well developed industrial explosion protection had its beginnings in explosion protection for coalmines. Having a fundus of information available and explosion protection for the coal grinding systems supplied to the cement in deep pit coal mining it has been understood that industrial explosion protection needs regulation. example of successful explosion protection and It can also be said, that, unfortunately, of technology) never were developed coordinated. Page 29