Cement Manufacturers Association (CMA)

Tracking progress Companies that set science-based targets are required to annually publish their emissions, so that all stakeholders can track progress towards the target. companies’ progress towards their targets. Acknowledgements providing funding for the cement project. References Figure 5: How setting a science-based target works COMMIT Submita letter establishingyour intent to seta science-based target DEVELOP Workonanemissions reduction target in line with theSBTi;scriteria SUBMIT Presentyour target to validation COMMUNICATE Announceyour target and informyour stakeholders DISCLOSE Reportcompany-wideemissions andprogressagainst targetsonan annualbasis 1.5C Join the world’s biggest companies by cutting your GHG emissions 1. Technology Roadmap, IEA (2018) Energy Technology Perspectives, IEA (2020) 2. 3. Summary for Policymakers, IPCC (2021) Teske, S., Niklas, S., Atherton, A., Kelly, S., Herring, J., 2020. Sectoral pathways to net zero emissions. Report prepared by the University of Technology Sydney for the Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance. 4. Available at 2020-12/OECM%20Sector%20Pathways%2 0Report%20FINAL.pdf IEA, 2021. Net Zero by 2050, Available at 5. https://www.iea.org/reports/net-zero -by-2050 Set a Science Based Target 6. Page 12