Cement Energy Environment

74 Tireless efforts of our people i.e Team UCWL, with respect to making our business resilient have been paying off by way of different appreciations and rewards conferred upon the Company. One such addition was recognition of our brand “Platinum Heavy Duty Cement” as Asia’s most promising brand by the Business Leader of The Year Awards 2021 . The award was received on behalf of UCWL’s team by Company’s Executive Director Mr Shrivats Singhania. Business Resilience prove resistant to disruption. And it was due to the multi- dimensional resilient approach i.e. Business resilience, Environment Health and Safety Resilience and Social resilience, to tackle the disruption that allowed UCWL to remain least affected. During the pandemic times, the Company stepped up to the challenge, adapting its businesses strategy both to protect the employees and to continue serving the customers and communities. Adhering to the all the COVID -19 guidelines and directions released time to time by local, state and central Government administration, the Company strategically planned its way to continuing operations and supplied the essential commodity “cement” contributing to nation building. Our People are our most valuable resource, and it is evident from our commitment that we didn’t layoff any employee or worker even during the tough times. In addition to this all the payments to our vendors/suppliers, tax to government and salary of our employees and workers were paid on time without any pandemic related delay. Being a responsible corporate, the Company with support of the local health department organised the COVID-19 vaccination camp at its Dispensary within the premises that was open to all the employees, workers, and nearby villagers. The camps were organised repeatedly in-order to ensure vaccination to as many people as possible and that no one is left out. 100% of Company’s’ employees and workers have received their 1st dose of vaccine and most of them has also received their 2nd dose as well. On all the fronts of sustainability, i.e. Environment, Social, Governance, System and Technology, the Company has taken various innovative and productive measures, that has been very well recognised by the different local and regional govt. and reputed independent bodies/associations.