Cement Energy Environment

73 The Company has an integrated Cement Manufacturing unit with installed cement production capacity of 2.2 Million tonnes per annum (MTPA) at Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. Since its inception, the Company is committed towards boosting sustainability through adopting latest art of technology designs, resource efficient equipment and numerous large and small in- house innovations. This Resilient business strategy has been derived out of the Boardroom, which is further expressed and implemented within the Company through directions laid down under its “Integrated Sustainable Development Policy”. In addition, the working principles has been aligned to contribute to the Nation’s commitment to meet the United Nations- Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs). The Company upholds highest levels of system standards such as, ISO certification for Environment (14001), Occupational Health and Safety (45001), Energy (50001) and Quality Management (15001) Systems and strives for continual improvement. UCWL is a water positive and zero wastewater discharging company. i.e., it generates more water than it consumes. It maintains the water positivity index of 1.7. More than 80% of water consumed in the plant and colony premises is sourced from harvested The crisis tested the companies’ strategic resilience, which is generally defined as the extent to which an organization’s business model and competitive position Resilience rainwater from the mines pit. At present the unit meets about 53% of its total electricity from Renewable sources , which includes 10.1 MW capacity Solar power and 6 MW Waste heat recovery based power. The company strategically in view of reducing the carbon footprint and considering targets under GOAL 7 of SDG took a decision of meeting its share of electricity requirement from Solar power instead of coal based captive thermal power plant. In the last 3 years the unit has generated and consumed about 1.2 Lakh MWh of Renewable energy that has mitigated about 99 Million Kgs of CO 2 emissions, which would otherwise have caused due to generation of conventional coal based power. In view of utilization of alternative fuel in the kiln and to reduce the carbon footprint further, the unit has also taken target of increasing its Thermal Substitution Rate (TSR) to 15% by 2030.