Cement Energy Environment

72 RECOGNITIONS FOR RESILIENT STRATEGY FOLLOWED DURING COVID-19 @ UDAIPUR CEMENT WORKS LIMITED (UCWL) By Naveen Kumar Sharma, Whole-time Director and Jitesh Singh Darmwal Manager Sustainability Udaipur Cement Works Limited (UCWL) Udaipur Cement Works Limited, is a subsidiary of one of the leading cement manufacturing companies of India, JK Lakshmi Cement Limited . “It was due to the joint efforts of the team UCWL and faith of its other stakeholders in the brand that we came out of the pandemic in stronger and more resilient manner” The Pandemic COVID-19, has put businesses around the globe through a tough strategic resilience tests. For many, it was a rude awakening and for some it was a thing of time and experience. The Impact of the pandemic was impartial to the fact that, some sectors like, Information Technology, saw the highest growth and boom in their businesses whereas some had relatively stagnant/constant growth and others had tough time surviving. It was due to pandemic that we also saw the efforts and morals of the corporates and business extending Naveen K Sharma, Whole-time Director every possible help to the society, which was an overwhelming phase. Udaipur Cement Limited (UCWL) a subsidiary of JK Lakshmi Cement Limited is one such Company that not only contained the economic and operational blow during the pandemic but rather innovatively extracted opportunities out of it.