Cement Energy Environment

65 To study the effect of volatile matter from waste incineration on different low cement castables, ash/ slag was collected and homogenized to grain size < 200µm. A container sized 200x200x200 mm was casted from an alkali resistant alumina-silica low cement castable and pre-fired at 1300°C. In this container 3 x 3 castable samples size 40x40x160 mm were In another test where the refractory is not able to resist these salts, a chemical reaction takes place and the chemical goes deep inside the castable which leads Experimental Setup and Laboratory Analysis Effect of Volatile Compounds from ash on Low Cement Castables Table 2: Chemical analysis of ash and experimental set up, where castable specimens were embedded in ash and heated to 950°C to study the effect of gaseous phases. Picture 7: Cup test to show Alkali Spalling and Infiltration of Chemicals in Refractory embedded with ash placed in layers to ensure that each castable specimen was exposed to ash from all sides. The container was covered by a lid and placed in an electrical furnace at 950°C for 48 hours. Oxide Percentage SiO 2 10.55 Al 2 O 3 3.01 Fe 2 O 3 3.54 TiO 2 0.19 CaO 48.95 MgO 9.39 K 2 O 10.80 Na 2 O 0.91 MnO 4.31 P 2 O 5 4.38 SO 3 2.74 to alkali spalling and heavy erosion of the refractory (Picture 7).