Cement Energy Environment

58 Figure 4: KHD PYROROTOR for maximum Alternate fuel utilisation produce green hydrogen by electrolysis of water using renewable source of energy like wind or solar or hydro energy. Since India remains an abundant receiver of solar energy with the harnessing potential due to larger available lands it is envisaged that after getting established on commercial scale by 2020, India will be a manufacturer, consumer and exporter of green hydrogen to other countries. This green hydrogen Fuel Switching Global cement Industry is continuously working on replacing fossil fuels by utilisation of maximum alternate fuels in Clinkerisation process in Calciner, Main Burner and at separate f iring station connected to pyro process, Burning of Alternate fuels at Separate / Parallel firing are helpful to avoid any obstruction to material flow / gas flow hence consistent heat exchange established otherwise if heavy burning fuels get mixed with kiln material feed there may be obstruction in burning of these fuels and a highly reducing condition may arise with upset of burning process inside the kiln. To avoid above phenomenon KHD Humboldt Wedag have introduced a reactor parallel to Kiln, before Calciner called as Pyro rotor. The PYROROTOR ® is a rotary combustion reactor that uses tertiary air to utilize will replace the fossil fuels thus reducing the carbon footprints. Apart from this direct substitution, this green hydrogen can also be combined with CO 2 captured by CCUS to produce synthetic fuel also. Also it can replace the feed stock derived from Polymers and can replace the plastic and its derivative which in turn is not a burden on the soil for degradation. materials with poor burning properties as secondary fuel for cement production. PYROROTOR ® efficiently burns low processed alternative fuels such as RDF, coarsest waste matter, or even whole tires. More fuel options, easier procurement, less time requirement, and above all, much lower costs, give your pyro process an unmatched level of efficiency (Figure 4). Usage of Pyrorotor has been proven with replacement of fossil fuel by 55-75% of total Clinkerisation fuel amount. As some of Alternate fuels like municipal waste, Plastics, Pharmaceutical waste which has to be incinerated for disposal hence taking this CO 2 into account the usage of such AFR also reduces CO 2 to a great extent.