Cement Energy Environment

54 CO 2 Capture, Utilisation & Storage (CCUS) Reduction In Clinker To Cement Ratio With the trend of more on Blended cement, this one and foremost step for reduced carbon print, is already in place in cement Industry. Today India is one of cement industry which is moving very fast toward this aspect of green cover. PSC, PPC, Composite cements are the upgoing curves. Cement Industry is well versed with the utilisations and manufacturing of Blended Cement. KHD is on of the key supplier for providing energy efficient Technologies viz Roller Press grinding for the production of blended cement. It is estimated that decreasing the clinker ratio in production of cement contribute nearly 37% CO 2 reduction targeted. Carbon footprint are the lowest in Indian Cement Industry. By promoting PPC & PSC cement in India, more than 85% cement is produced as blended cement / composite cement (which has come in existence during last 3-5 years). PPC allows 35% fly-ash usage at present, whereas PSC allows 55-65% granulated slag in clinker. At present more than 80 million tons per annum alternative raw material, litter fly-ash, blast furnace slag are being used by cement industry which offers low carbon footprint as well as give opportunity to use these waste raw material as effective cementation raw materials. Increase of Pozzolona (fly-ash) usage in PPC upto 45% can reduce the carbon footprint further which has permissible limit upto 55% in some of European countries. Another big scope to reduce carbon footprint is usage of blast furnace slag as clinker raw material. Broadly, CCUS prevents CO 2 from being released into the atmosphere by capturing it, and either using it, or injecting it in geological formations for permanent storage. It is estimated that of total direct CO 2 emissions cumulatively captured increases upto 60%. To achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, the role of CCUS would be even higher, as this is necessary to achieve deep levels of decarbonisation, given the large share of process emissions in the cement sector. The cement industry undoubtedly needs to deploy CCUS technologies. Although there are not yet CCUS facilities operating in the cement sector at large scale, there are CCUS facilities currently operating at the power and industrial sectors with a total annual capacity close to 40 Mt CO 2 . CCUS will be crucial to reduce cement sector CO 2 emissions, particularly the process emissions released during limestone calcination. While commercial deployment of CCUS is currently limited, a number of innovation efforts are under way in recent years. However capture technologies in cement production should be commercialised by 2030 in order to achieve the target reduction. As widely known all regions have improved the energy efficiency and reduced the carbon intensity of their cement industries. China, India, and the European Union, which are the three main cement producers, have adopted policy measures to reduce the carbon footprint of the cement industry, through emissions trading schemes, energy efficiency targets, replacement of old plants, new cement standards, and circular economy. Private led initiatives are also gaining momentum. Half a decade ago few cement manufacturers targeted to reduce the emission by 20-25% by end of 2030. Calculated it will account for nearly 1 Gt CO 2 reduction. On similar lines many of the cement companies are progressively taking part for proactive curbing CO 2 presence in air either by co-processing, improved clinker production efficiency, materials with lower carbon footprint; developing new, innovative and clean production technologies. Heidelberg Cement one of the major global player has committed itself to reduce its specific net CO 2 emissions per ton of cement produced by 30% compared to 1990 levels by 2030,and has a vision to reach carbon neutral concrete by 2050 at the latest; this is the first cement company in the world to receive approval for science- based CO 2 reduction targets and the only cement manufacturer that has been included in the CDP’s Climate Change A list 2019 .It aims to attain net zero carbon footprint by augmenting the percentage of CO 2 neutral feed materials and combustibles, arriving at lower clinker cement classes, and by CCUS. Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited is the first heavy industry sector company globally to announce 2040 carbon negative commitment in 2018 and served as a sector influencer. It is one of the most efficient cement manufacturing company globally with one of the lowest carbon footprints (in cement manufacturing). has announced to become carbon neutral or negative by the year 2040 and they are in process for an agreement with UK based Carbon Clean Solutions Limited (CCSL) to install carbon capturing unit in their cement plant as pilot plant of 0.5 Million tons per annum). After getting success and economic suitability this may be repeated in large scale even if any better technology gets available by the time also can be an option. At present this partnership is exploring how CO 2 captured from the plant can be used including direct sale to other industries and using CO 2 as a precursor in manufacturing chemicals. The ‘2050 Climate Ambition’ provides an opportunity for UltraTech, India’s largest producer of grey cement, white cement and ready mix concrete, to reinforce its