Cement Energy Environment

52 CARBON REDUCTION AND PATH AHEAD FOR CEMENT INDUSTRY Abstract By A K Dembla, Deepti Varshney & Balesh Singh KHD Humboldt Wedag, Customer Service Center India, Humboldt Wedag India Private Limited With the current global production of cement and being one of the major sources of anthropogenic CO 2 accounting for 8% of global emissions it becomes imperative to not only curb the emission source but also to capture and reinstall the carbon produced during the process. There are series of mitigation measures that can contribute to the decarbonisation of the cement industry: improving energy and materials efficiency (on a life cycle approach); switching to less carbon intensive fuels; reducing the clinker content in the cement by partly replacing it with cementitious materials with lower carbon footprint; developing new, innovative and clean production technologies, including waste heat recovery (WHR) to power generation, integration of renewable power generation, CCUS; and improving transport efficiency. With the trend of more on Blended cement, this one and foremost step for reduced carbon print, is already in place in cement Industry. However to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, the role of CCUS would be comparatively higher, as this is necessary to achieve deep levels of decarbonisation, given the large share of process emissions in the cement sector. The cement industry undoubtedly needs to deploy CCUS technologies. Although there are not yet CCUS facilities operating in the cement sector at large scale, there are CCUS facilities currently operating at the power and industrial sectors. Many private led initiatives are progressing to install the CCUS .Global cement Industry is continuously working on replacing fossil fuels by utilisation of maximum alternate fuels in Clinkerisation process in Calciner, Main Burner and at separate firing station connected to pyro process. As known that no capture technology has reached commercial scale demonstration in the cement sector , hence it is evident that if all together technology along with the recent developments like KHD supplied Plant where usage of Alternate raw materials, Usage of AFR in Pyrorotor and cogeneration system along with least power consumption machines like Roller Press and low Pressure drop preheater system used then the total saving of CO 2 can be best worked out around 388- 390 kg CO 2 /t cl (158 kg from RDF/AFR+200 kg from Alternate raw material (30% usage of slag )+30-32 kg from WHRS). This is indeed remarkable saving in CO 2 which is about 40% of total CO 2 produced by clinker