Cement Energy Environment

3 Cement and Concrete have been the building blocks for all civilisations, society and nations. Over the years, developments and growth in the Cement sector have been synonymous with economic growth leading to infrastructure development and creation of jobs at large. Concomitantly at the industry and plant level, it has signified improved energy efficiencies, environment management and enhanced CSR besides constant alignment with national priorities relating to infrastructure, environment and the like. We have endeavoured to bring these developments to you through various editions of the CMA Cement, Energy and Environment journal. Diverse articles have been chosen to churn thoughts in the practising Cement professionals through in depth knowledge and information sharing on a range of subjects associated with the Cement Industry. This issue of the journal also covers a variety of themes from digitalisation in Cement Industry to plant life cycle assessment to case studies that demonstrate the resilience and achievements of the Indian Cement plants. We look forward to a continued contribution from the Indian Cement Industry that would make for a good read on the Cement sector in India. I take this opportunity to extend heartiest wishes to you for a Safe and Happy New Year. APARNA DUTT SHARMA SECRETARY GENERAL Editor : K K Roy Chowdhury EDITORIAL