Cement, Energy and Environment

80 · Separator efficiency before and a er improvement Separator efficiency before op misa on residue on 38 microns 100 minus CL CF η% feed product rejects feed product rejects 49.62 13.58 66.56 50.38 86.42 33.44 2.13 3.13 54.85 Separator efficiency a er op misa on residue on 38 microns 100 minus CL CF η% feed product rejects feed product rejects 42.5 13.64 69.54 57.5 86.36 30.46 1.07 2.07 72.65 · Nib's separator installed at mill outlet for preventing jamming of mill diaphragm by worn grinding media. A er installa on of Nib's separator at mill outlet:- (a) Efficiency of mill increased. (b) Solved problem regarding diaphragm jamming. (c) Breakdown reduced. (d) Separator efficiency improved. (e) Mill outlet draught maintained. · We have installed the DBC (Deep Bucket conveyor) for clinker filling to maintain the filling level of hoppers of cement mill 3 & cement mill 1 and this results in achieving the required TPH of the mill. A er installa on of the DBC (a) Hopper level maintained of both mills (b) Breakdown reduced related to hopper empty (c) Increased average TPH of cement mill 3