Cement, Energy and Environment

problem; to overcome this we have modified the angle of discharge chute. As it is known that pre calciner plays a pivotal role in Pyro processing and slight varia on in fuel feeding creates disturbance in Pyro processing that ul mately leads to reduced clinker produc on and also quality of the clinker gets deteriorated. We started feeding of Alterna ve fuels through our feeding circuit manually we were facing problems such as fluctua on in feed rate that created varia on in PC O/L temperature resul ng in inconsistency in opera on. A er doing lot of technical discussions as well as brainstorming sessions we decided to install harrow machine to feed various wastes and designed Extrac on system. Alterna ve Fuel Reclaimer ( Harrow & Extrac on Wheel): We developed an in- house system for different wastes extrac on. Parts of this Extractor include Trolley Base Frame, Harrow Support Frame, and Harrow Frame with spikes, Extrac on Wheel Assembly, Harrow Til ng Adjustment Link Assembly and Operators cabin with control panel. We faced few challenges as we started the opera on of extractor. Par cles of different wastes which were cut down by spikes of the excavator were not extracted properly and were ge ng collected over the 70 mm grate. To overcome this we have installed a rota ng extractor wheels at the bo om of the arrangement to ensure proper feeding of the material in the hopper hence avoiding heap forma on above the grate. We have started using various kinds of alterna ve fuels which are categorized into hazardous waste and non-hazardous wastes. We use De-Oiled Cake, FMCG Waste, Gasket Scrap and our own TPP Fly Ash in the category of non-hazardous waste. We use both solid and liquid hazardous waste like, RDF, TDI Tar, Spent Bleaching Earth, Paint Sludge, ETP, CETP etc. As our system was ini ally designed for agricultural waste, we were facing problems in feeding of RDF, Plas c Waste and other wastes due to their bigger size which dismantled the chain conveyor. To reduce the size of these wastes, we installed a shredder for shredding the plas c waste, roof liner waste and gasket scrap. Shredding itself poses some issues during AF opera on. Efficient shredding system is thus 56 Alterna ve Fuel Feeding Belts In-house Made Agricultural Waste Reclaiming System for Extrac on and feeding of Solid Agricultural Waste/ RDF/ Plas c Waste