Cement, Energy and Environment

The JK Lakshmi cement Jaykaypuram plant is located in the south west part of Rajasthan. It has three kilns, which share annual clinker produc on capacity of 4.8 million ton/ annum. Kiln-1 was originally designed as 1500MT/ day in 1982 but currently has a rated capacity of 4500 TPD. Kiln 2 & Kiln-3 were originally designed for 2500 t/day in 1995 and 1996 respec vely but currently has a rated capacity of 5000 TPD each. Cement industry is always starving to u lize its resources efficiently and appropriately as this helps industry to sustain in the market and being compe ve since cement is the lowest price commodity amongst all commodi es in the market, even much lower than garbage price of paper. The only way to sustain in the market is by con nuously reducing opera ng costs by either minimizing the losses across each opera on resul ng in increase of efficiency or reducing material cost that raises profitability. Cement manufacturing is energy intensive process and is predominantly dependent on fossil fuel, contribu ng to around 30-40 % of the cost of cement produc on. Mee ng out these thermal demands and maintaining carbon emissions within limits is a foreseen challenge of cement industry. The rising cost of fossil fuels and input energy reduc on targets sets by BEE through PAT scheme are further pushing cement industry towards alterna ve fuels or raw materials as an a rac ve op on towards sustainable development. Cement demand and produc on are increasing worldwide and is expected to grow even more rapidly. The largest share of this growth will take place in China, India and other developing countries in the Asian con nent. The significant increase in cement produc on is associated with the significant increase in industry’s energy use and CO emission. Use 2 of AFR can help reduce the rapid rate at which fossil fuel resources are being depleted and also reduce industry’s CO emission. ² Apart from giving self- sa sfac on, our effort has resulted into improved bo om line of the company leading to low cost technology through in- house innova on and dedicated team efforts. Cement kilns have a number of characteris cs which make them ideal installa ons for disposal of wastes through co processing in an environmentally sound manner. · High temperatures (Flame temperature >1800 °C and material temperature up to 1400 °C) · Higher residence me · Oxidizing atmosphere · Alkaline environment · Ash reten on in clinker JK Lakshmi Cement Ltd. (JKLC) had taken up a project on par al replacement of fossil fuel (Pet- coke in present case) by alterna ve fuels in Pyro- Processing in both Kiln 2 and 3 for cement manufacturing. JKLC has put up a system of firing alterna ve fuel in kiln to reduce Coal Consump on. The system comprises of a conveying system and a feeding system. During ini al phase, we were facing the problem of jamming of material chute because of the big size of foreign material (Big size of stone). A er brainstorming, we have installed a screen having the size of less than 70 mm material passing. Flowability of material at discharge chute was another EXPERIENCE OF USING ALTERNATIVE FUELS 55 Rajpal Singh, GM (Produc on) Manish Vijay, Dy.Manager JK Lakshmi Cement Ltd., Sirohi.