Cement, Energy and Environment

Conclusion Cement produc on process is highly energy intensive and energy costs alone are responsible for 60% of the total produc on costs, out of which 75% of primary energy usage is contributed by thermal energy. However, this process is characterized by a significant amount of heat loss mainly by the vent of flue gases and the air stream used for cooling down the clinker. Waste heat is generated by fuel combus on process and chemical reac on which is then vented into the environment without being extracted although it has great poten al to be reused for some useful and economic purposes. Reducing the amount of waste heat from cement plants as well as reusing it has always been a ma er of concern for the past couple of decades, as heat recovery system increases the efficiency of the Cement Plant & also reduces the amount of GHG emissions to the environment by suppressing the needs of fuel combus on required for power genera on. So this project emphasizes on capturing and using the energy contained in exhaust gases that would otherwise be lost if not extracted and u lized. Recovery and reuse of this heat has shown the poten al for significant reduc on of energy costs and improving the profitability of any business. 54 PARAMETER A er TG temp. Before TG temp. Devia on Increase Increase /Saving TURBINE INLET PRESSURE 13.59 13.45 0.14 TURBINE INLET STEAM FLOW 75.48 74.06 1.42 TURBINE INLET TEMP. 376.12 337.98 38.14 GROSS POWER kw/Day 341949.13 330442.11 11507.03 NET POWER kw/Day 317794.00 309726.32 8067.68 AUX. POWER CONS. Kw/Day 24155.13 20715.79 -3.44