Cement, Energy and Environment

Introduc on Today due to rapid industrializa on our planet is struggling with the worst detrimental effects of environment pollu on. In the lure of more profits, industries are recklessly overexploi ng the natural resources being in different towards the destruc on it causes to nature. Anthropogenic pollu on has resulted in exponen al contamina on of physical and biological components of the Earth to such an extent that normal environmental processes are adversely affected. Unmindful industrial ac vi es resulted in emi ng of Pollutants that has poten al to disturb the ecological balance and degrade the quality of natural resources. Being a proac ve environmentally concerned plant, JK Lakshmi Cement Limited Sirohi Rajasthan adheres to believing in sustainable development and balanced growth. Moving in this direc on we have contributed towards minimizing the pollu on and genera ng green energy by installa on of Waste Heat Recovery Boilers to u lize the waste heat from flue gases which was earlier released into the atmosphere. Implemen ng Waste Heat Recovery Technology has not only facilitated us in genera on of Green Power by u lizing the heat of Cooler and Pre-heater exhaust flue gases at very low genera on cost but also helped to conserve highly pollu ng fossil fuels. Methodology of Project M/s JK Lakshmi Cement Ltd Sirohi plant consistently strives to upgrade & op mize through state of the art technologies having executed various innova ve ideas and carried out modifica ons in the Plant to increase clinker produc on. We took the first step on the path to generate green energy by installing Waste Heat Recovery System (WHRS) in the year 2010 supplied by M/s Thermax Ltd., in all three Kilns. Ini ally we achieved to generate 8 MW of green power from WHRS. Success is a unique fruit; once we relish it we are mo vated to have more of it. It was observed that due to up-grada on in clinker the quality and quan ty of flue gases have also changed variably. Kiln process has also been dynamic in the nature and it was observed that the temperature of cooler exhaust gases increases very o en which resulted in high steam temperature and created trouble as we were unable to feed it into the steam turbine of WHRS because our turbine inlet steam temperature limita on was 356°C as per design data and we were forced to vent the steam into the environment. This has caused reduc on of WHR power genera on. The OEM of turbine M/s. Siemens Ltd. and the supplier of WHRS M/s. Thermax Ltd. were approached to find out the possibili es of increasing the turbine inlet steam temperature maximum limit from exis ng 356°C. Both the vendors ini ally resisted changing the maximum turbine inlet steam temperature limit as they were not willing to amend the turbine design data. Later on a detailed technical discussion was held at M/s. Siemens Ltd. Vadodara office and a er convincing them, they agreed to revisit the HMBD of steam turbine. B B Wadhavan & P K Kabra, JK Lakshmi Cement Limited Sirohi plant, & Dilip Singh, Thermax Ltd. ENHANCING GREEN POWER GENERATION BY INCREASING THE TURBINE INLET STEAM TEMPERATURE 51