Cement, Energy and Environment
such as coal, petcoke, oil, gas and alterna ve fuels. · Low NOx emissions. · Reduced specific heat consump on. · Reduced Preheater fan power consump on. · Depending upon the fuel being used, the flame se ng can be adjusted as per requirement. · ® PYRO-JET burner generates short and stable flame which results in higher forma on of C S and less mineralogical 3 structural growth of C S & C S. 3 2 · Due to its simple design, the ® PYRO-JET burner is easy to operate and is suitable for various fuels. · Availability is high with improved quality. · Opportunity to enlarge central channel diameter or to add one or two auxiliary slide-in tubes for secondary fuels (depending on actual burner design). · Movement of burner possible in horizontal, ver cal and angular direc ons. A er replacing the exis ng cyclones with bigger size KHD Double Separator and the exis ng conven onal burner with PYRO- ® JET burner, there has been significant improvement in terms of heat & power consump on and dust losses. The parameters showing the achievement are given in the Table below (table-1). The parameters were measured before and a er the modifica on. As shown in above Table-1 there was a total heat saving of 27 kCal/kg clinker and power saving of 68 kW . With such benefits the payback for investment was achieved within 10 months. Besides there were other benefits like NOx reduc on, reduc on of nuisance due to Preheater dust loss, etc. Also the kiln opera on was reported to have been improved significantly with the new burner. ® 3.2 Installa on of New PYRO-JET Burners for NOx abatement & pyroprocess system efficiency improvement: As explained in sec on 3.1, b), ® KHD`s PYRO-JET Burner is very well established and proven primary measure solu on for NOx Sn Description Values Savings / Gains Before modification After modification 1 Preheater dust loss [%] 10.5 4.5 6% reduction 2 Pressure drop across Preheater top stage twin cyclones [mmWG] 146 77 69 mmWG reduction 3 Radiation loss across Preheater top stage twin cyclones [kcal/kg clinker] 19.1 2.2 16.9 kcal/kg clinker reduction 4 Specific heat consumption [kcal/kg clinker] 775 748 27 kcal/kg clinker reduction 5 Power consumption of Preheater fan [kW] 908 840 68 kW reduction 6 Total primary air excluding coal conveying air [%] 11.3 6.4 4.9% reduction Table-1: Performance results of Plant, before & a er the modifica on 49
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