Cement, Energy and Environment
· Low PH exhaust gas temperature · Low pressure drop across cyclones The basic design features of the KHD Double Separator are: · Long dip tubes to prevent short-circui ng of gas flow · 270 deg inlet spiral · Op mum diameter to height ra o · Spider plates to prevent whirl up of separated materialFig-8: KHD Preheater Top Stage Twin Cyclone Spiral at cyclone top to improve separa on efficiency b) Replacement of the conven onal Mono channel ® burner with KHD PYRO-JET Burner ® The PYRO-JET burner uses the principle of a number of individual high velocity jet streams and can therefore operate with considerably less primary air than other contemporary kiln burners. The jet streams form a stable flame with uniform heat distribu on which avoids temperature peaks in flame. The basic design features of the ® PYRO-JET burner are stated below. · Total primary air quan ty excluding coal conveying air amounts to 4.8%. For special requirements, the burner can be designed with high amount of primary air also. · Jet air velocity is in the range of 330-360 m/s and swirl air velocity is in the range of 120- 160 m/s. · Flame shape can be adjusted by varying jet air and swirl air pressure. · Either of floor mounted or roof mounted carriage can be used. ® The advantages of the PYRO-JET burner are given below. · Suitable for all kind of fuels Fig-8: KHD high efficiency PH top stage cyclones installed at site 48
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