Cement, Energy and Environment

b) Process audits and feasibility studies: KHD offers a wide range of audits viz. process, mechanical, electrical, TEFR, complete plant audits etc. to assess the exis ng plant condi on in order to iden fy the opportuni es to improve the plant performance, energy efficiency, equipment reliability, poten al capacity feasibility, quality analysis etc. c) Training / workshop to plant team for efficient opera on: To enable the plant opera ng & maintenance staff to operate and manage the cement plant more efficiently with both con nuous high output rates and reliability, KHD-HWI offers classroom ® training courses, SIMULEX opera ng courses, on-site training courses etc. KHD contributes to the improvement of plant efficiency by conduc ng training courses to improve the technical skillset levels of operators & engineers for efficient plant opera on. d) Kiln services & Hot Kiln Alignment (HKA): KHD is offering a variety of kiln services including hot kiln alignment. The technology being used for carrying out hot kiln alignment is the state-of-art and latest version. These services improve the reliability of the equipment and prevent unexpected equipment failure resul ng in produc on loss. Avoidance of unwanted stoppages improves the energy efficiency of the system. e) Supervision, Opera on & Maintenance (O&M) Services: O & M Services is the growing trend in Global cement industry. KHD Parts & Services division is providing O & M, supervision & periodic plant management services to support cement manufactures to reduce their cement produc on cost and operate the plant with highest energy efficiency. 3.0 CASE STUDIES 3.1 Installa on of New PYRO- ® JET Burner & Preheater Top Stage Cyclones: The KHD HW India process team conducted a process audit of a cement plant located in southern part of India. The plant has a 2700 tpd clinker producing kiln with a 5 stage Preheater and RSP Calciner in Andhra Pradesh. It had conven onal top stage twin cyclones of 4.0 m dia without any refractory lining. The pressure drop and heat loss primarily due to radia on was very high in comparison. The preheater cyclones had a poor separa on efficiency with dust losses as high as 10.5%. The high pressure drop was contribu ng to excess power consump on of Preheater fan. The kiln was equipped with a conven onal mono channel burner with a very high primary air consump on of 11.3% excluding coal conveying air. The high primary air consump on was an addi onal factor for the poor thermal efficiency of the plant. Overall the heat consump on for Pyroprocessing was very high at 775 kCal/kg clinker. KHD a er conduc ng process audit proposed the following modifica ons that were later implemented in a phased manner: a) Replacement of the exis ng Preheater top stage twin cyclones with KHD design high efficiency Double Separator of 4.2 m diameter: Few highlights of KHD PH top stage twin cyclones: KHD Double Separator improves the preheater performance by lowering the waste gas temperature and pressure and increasing the dust separa on efficiency. The salient features of the KHD Double Separator are given below: · High separa on efficiency of >96 %; low return dust losses 47