Cement, Energy and Environment

® PYROBOX for solid fuel (coal / petcoke) firing in Calciner: More o en than not the mixing of kiln feed (meal), solid fuel and its distribu on is not uniform in the calciner gas stream through conven onal calciner burners. It leads to poor distribu on of solid fuels in gas riser duct, open burning combus on with high temperature which in turn can damage refractories above the burner posi on. Also, the contact of solid fuel and hot meal is not ® fast enough. A PYROBOX installa on in an exis ng calciner not only addresses the above issues but also contributes to improved degree of calcina on. More even combus on profile without temperatures peaks is ® achieved with PYROBOX . New Clinker Cooler Sta c Inlet & Grate plates: KHD has further developed its Clinker cooler 'Sta c Inlet' with state-of-art features. Latest genera on clinker cooler “Sta c Grate” is designed with “Horse Shoe” refractory and for op mal clinker distribu on on the sta c grate with high specific cooling air to achieve following benefits: · Highest recupera on efficiency · Excellent clinker distribu on across cooler width · “Snowman“ forma on minimized · Low clinker temperature at beginning of moving grate For the cooling zone sec on, low maintenance-high efficiency grate plates are being offered to replace the standard grate plates in reciproca ng grate coolers of any Supplier make. The salient features of these patented plates are autogenous wear protec on, reduced pressure drop due to op mally designed aera on slots, recued clinker fall through etc. High efficiency dynamic classifier for raw meal, cement & slag applica ons: Exis ng inefficient classifiers in raw material, clinker & slag circuits can be replaced with KHD`s high efficiency SKS dynamic classifier to enhance system produc on, to achieve be er residue / Blaine (fineness) control, reduced specific power consump on etc. This separator is the ideal choice for conver ng exis ng open circuit cement mills to close circuit systems. Fig-4: PYROSTATIC – Cooler Sta c Inlet Fig-5: New genera on cooler plates for cooling zone area 45