Cement, Energy and Environment

1.0 INTRODUCTION Energy efficiency, Plant availability and Maintenance cost are the key influen al elements which prescripts the overall cement plant performance. Despite the historic progress in Cement Industry s ll there is ample room for improvement in these areas. In addi on, controlling NOx emissions from Cement plant is one emerging area of concern for all the cement plants, especially in India with recent statutory norms imposed by Government. In increasing compe ve global cement business environment, opportuni es to reduce produc on costs and NOx emissions without nega vely affec ng product yield or quality are need of the hour. Successful, cost-effec ve solu ons in energy efficiency & green technologies and prac ces o en include addi onal benefits such as increasing the overall produc vity. Energy efficiency can be an effec ve strategy to work towards the so-called triple bo om line that focuses on the social, economic and environmental aspects of a business. 2.0 ENERGY EFFICIENCY THROUGH 'SERVICE' OFFERINGS BY KHD KHD Humboldt Wedag through its extensive range of 'Parts & Services' por olio offers wide range of services & equipment solu ons required to achieve energy efficiency, improved plant reliability & availability, NOx abatement etc. under one common pla orm. The spectrum of 'parts & services' includes: a) Plant Upgrada on & Moderniza on: To enhance the exis ng system produc on and also to improve the opera onal efficiency in terms of energy conserva on, the following state-of-art upgrada on solu ons are being offered by KHD: Modifica on / Upgrada on of Preheater Cyclones: KHD`s top stage twin cyclones are best-in-class and designed with highest dust collec on efficiency of >96%, low exhaust gas temperatures and low pressure drop. KHD's top stage cyclones are the ideal choice for replacing exis ng inefficient top stage Preheater cyclones for improving the dust collec on efficiency, to improve the heat transfer rate Mar n Gierse*, Sitaram Sharma** & K. Vikram** * KHD Humboldt Wedag GmbH, Germany ** KHD Humboldt Wedag India Private Limited, New Delhi ENHANCING PLANT PERFORMANCE THROUGH KHD PLANT SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS & CASE STUDIES Fig-1: Por olio of KHD-HW Parts & Services 43