Cement, Energy and Environment

about effec ve changes in the approach and a tude of the public and stakeholders towards CSR ini a ves undertaken by corporate houses. Such efforts will also mo vate other corporate houses to join the league and play an effec ve role in addressing issues such as access to educa on, health care and livelihood opportuni es for a large number of people in India through their innova ve CSR. The current ar cle is an a empt to understand the evolu on of CSR guidelines in India and the government-CSR dynamics, in the Indian context. It traces the major ini a ves undertaken by the Indian Government and through it the change in governmental a tude towards CSR which has manifested in a unique manner. It iden fies deficiencies and suggests changes in the government's approach to CSR. It suggests, policies on corporate social responsibility have to be made binding in such manner that it does not hamper the prospects of the corporate and at the same me succeeds in fetching be er benefits to the society and planet. 42