Cement, Energy and Environment

Priori es and issues on Socio-economic change by encouraging inclusive growth · CSR agenda Overcoming environmental challenges through sustainable business · prac ces Encouraging micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to · undertake CSR ac vi es CSR internal governmental MCA · structure Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), Ministry of Heavy · Industries and Public Enterprises Securi es and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) · Reserve Bank of India (RBI) · Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) · CSR cross-cu ng Policies Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Department of Industrial Policy · and Promo on Ministry of Labour and Employment · Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribu on · Ministry of Environment and Forests · Ministry of Law and Jus ce · Ministry of Social Jus ce and Empowerment · Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises · Department of Women and Child Development · Na onal and State Human Rights Commission · Na onal Commission for Backward Classes · Compe on Commission of India · Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) · Comptroller and Auditor General · CSR responsibili es at Central government leads CSR policy · different levels of State governments like Karnataka, Gujarat have included CSR in · some policy formula ons Governmental involvement with business organisa ons like CII, · FICCI, ASSOCHAM, etc. Public-private partnerships (PPP) encouraged at Central and State · levels through legisla ve, administra ve or financial support Mul -stakeholder forums Na onal Founda on for Corporate Governance (NFCG) established · by the MCA in partnership with CII, Ins tute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI), Ins tute of Chartered Accountants in India (ICAI) to promote be er corporate governance prac ces towards achieving stability and growth Indian Ins tute of Corporate Affairs (IICA), under the auspices of · MCA, provides ins tu onal support to the ministry, corporate, professionals, entrepreneurs, shareholders and other stakeholders government Table 1 provides an account of the different sec ons of the government involved in CSR-related decisions that affect businesses and society. 33