Cement, Energy and Environment

system is best suited solu on for efficient storage management with minimum storage space requirement and no manual interven on. The system runs 24 x 7, without addi onal manpower, as it is controlled from CCR. The determina on of the storing equipment and the storage capacity is the first step of each such project. For designing grab crane system, we need following informa on. - Flow rate (t/hr) - Product density (t/m³) - Unloading period With this data, we can provide crane cycle me calcula ons and define the grab size, the storage building dimensions and the extractor size. Depending on the product handled, either orange peel grab or clamp shell grab is selected. If the product is powdery, clamp shell grab is suitable. For other lumpy shredded products, orange peel grab is suitable. Depending on the storage volume, bridge crane or monorail crane is selected. Generally for storage volume less than 1000m³, monorail crane is sufficient. For storage volume greater than 1000m³, bridge crane is needed. Extrac on & Dosing We have developed a metallic apron extractor able to extract and dose any kind of alterna ve solid fuels: This single machine does 2 func ons - extrac on and dosing. This extractor is composed of a loading hopper and a frame. The metallic apron is lted and is made of overlapping blades bolted on two chains of each side. The constant layer thickness is ensured by a calibrator with coils. The height of the output sec on between the metallic apron and the calibrator is adjustable regarding the different products. The dosing is done by ‘loss of weight’ using weight cells under the extractor frame. The flow is controlled by comparing the Grab crane system in opera on (mono rail) Bridge Crane in opera on 26