Cement, Energy and Environment

Introduc on Walter Materials handling India, a division of ‘ATS Conveyors India Pvt. Ltd.’ is specialized in providing turnkey alterna ve solid fuels handling systems right from concept to commissioning mainly in cement plants. We have Installed many cement plants in India with our turnkey solu on for solid alterna ve fuels handling systems for Ultratech , Zuari , ACC, Ambuja , Vicat, Bharathi Cement Plants in India. ATS Conveyors India is a company based at Pune (India), 150 km away from Mumbai and is 100% owned subsidiary company of ATS Group-France. Subsidiary WALTER Material Handling system has now many successful references in India, Asia , Germany, Korea , Turkey across the world. Many years of experience is of great help in designing alterna ve solid fuels handling system in cement plants. The proper es of the secondary fuels, the op ons and condi ons of material supplies, the requisite degree of processing, the feed posi on in the kiln, the degree of automa on and, not least, the specific condi ons at the cement works all have to be considered while working out a successful technical solu on. It is well known that the proper es of the secondary fuels are never constant and by their nature, are heterogeneous. This requires the use of equipment that is very flexible in opera on. WALTER MATERIAL HANDLING, a bulk material handling specialist from France has therefore developed suitable equipment specifically for safe and reliable feeding of alterna ve fuels such as shredded res, RDF, impregnated saw dust, shredded plas cs etc. As a rule, the alterna ve fuels, which are just listed above as examples, all tend to bridge when stored in hoppers or silos and, as lightweight materials, o en have bulk densi es as low as 0.1 t/m³ or in some cases even less. Covered storage with automa c grab crane system, extrac on and dosing with Metallic Apron Extractor with integral mass flow measurement, well designed transport system and feeding by highly secured double valve airlock have proved successful everywhere for feeding alterna ve fuels in cement kilns. Double valve airlock ensures safe introduc on into the kiln without introducing false air. The examples of the commissioned projects at various cement plants for feeding alterna ve solid fuels show how well-designed technical solu on can be adapted individually to suit to the specific condi ons and requirements of the cement plant. Any alterna ve solid fuels handling installa on comprises of four phases: - Storage Management (manual or automa c) - Extrac on & Dosing - Conveying - Feeding in Calciner /Kiln Inlet AF feeding system that we provide is highly flexible to accept these different processing of bulk alterna ve solid fuels. Customer can change the alterna ve fuel as per its availability and cost/unit keeping the same equipment, without any modifica on. This helps end customer to achieve most op mized return on investment. Storage Management Alterna ve fuel storage can be managed manually by front end loader. But the flow rate capacity of the installa on is limited in manual loading. For managing higher flow rates efficiently, automa c bridge crane system is needed. Fully automated grab crane AFR FEEDING SYSTEM -WALTER 24 S K Ambasta, Chief Execu ve Officer, ATS Group, Pune