Cement, Energy and Environment

transfer to this process to minimize the toxicity of the wastewater. · Fluorine containing solid wastes should not be mixed with other waste products during disposal so as to reduce the contamina on of the other, poten ally reusable waste products. · Vegeta on surrounding the mined areas must be rehabilitated to minimize the change in the surroundings caused by the mine. This will also make the community around the mine more habitable. (Schuler, Buchert, Liu, Di rich & Merz, 2011). These measures have not all been fully implemented, but China has set a ten-year meline so that by 2020 they are fully enforced. Already, one third of China's 23 mines have been iden fied as mines to be shut down (Volgt, 2012). China has also increased funding for research of different leaching-extrac on processes, new uses for stockpiled cerium, recycling of wastewater, and more effec ve ways to recover fluorine and thorium. Although China's past environmental regula on was severely lacking, its proposal protocol for reducing harm to the environment, if followed, would reduce waste at many mine sites, as it addresses some of the most common causes of mining-related waste. Conclusion It is conclusive that by adop ng sustainable mining prac ces, new and current mining projects are expected to incorporate the lessons from past mining ac vi es and thus solve their detrimental collateral effects on environment and public health, and bad name associated with mining can be removed. It needs sufficient efforts to be taken towards changing legisla on to ensure that the mining companies who are damaging the environment are punished appropriately, to make a significant impact. Examples of Steps taken by China (Case Study) have shown the results to world mining companies. The EIA of mining projects should encompass the en re life cycle of the mine, should incorporate the assessment of nega ve impacts and societal benefits also, and must incorporate the liability and the cost and thus make funding provisions mely for post mining environmental rehabilita on. New Mineral Policy 2019 included the impact statement as the success of the same will be cri cal in propelling India on to a lo ier development trajectory. Successful implementa on of this policy shall be ensured by achieving a na onal consensus among various key stakeholders and their commitment to fulfil its underlying principles and objec ves. Mining laws and legal and technical capacity s ll need to be tuned up to include new interna onally recommended good mining prac ces. The good signs in this direc on are that responsible mining companies tend to adopt sustainable development goals (SDGs) and ensure that present and future genera ons will have resources or alterna ve means to sa sfy their basic needs of food, water, and energy. Every mining company should look for using sustainable equipment and waste disposal procedures. They should also consider replenishing the local environment as o en as possible, which will make the surrounding area habitable and enable it to return to a natural state once the mine has closed. Reducing both input and output of the mining process can also help to reduce the nega ve impact that mines have on the environment. This implies that material recycling must increase and alterna ve sources of energy must be tapped in order to decrease environmental impacts and deple on of conven onal energy resources. 21