Cement, Energy and Environment

high volume sprinklers. Once the dust is air-borne, it can be subsided by mist cannons. Current mines using open pit mining techniques can reduce dust through by purchasing high volume sprinklers and Wet Earth Fog Cannons. (Dust Suppression Solu ons, 2003). The material, which was a pollu on, can be added to the produc on and thereby reduces waste also. b) Mining from tailings: Mill tailings contains metal contents, which can be mined, thus reducing waste and increasing produc vity also. Reprocessing these wastes can result in more usable material. c) Improved diesel engines for mining machineries: We know that the fuel cost is a major element in total cost of mine. Improving upon the latest technology diesel engines, which are highly efficient in fuel consump on, will not only save the cost but also reduces pollu on level to maximize efficiency. (Green Mining Ini a ve, 2012). d) Liquid membrane emulsion technology: This is a separa on technique that can be used to extract usable metal from highly toxic or acidic waste water produced by a mine. This technology can even deal with dilute solu ons (Venezuela, Araneda, Vargas, Basualto, and Sapag, 2009). e) Impermeable tailings storage: Tailings are o en stored in some form of tailings pond. Radioac ve elements in this pond can pollute the water and if leaks occur, the surrounding area. Tailings will be required to be stored in impermeable tailing ponds. These ponds become impermeable by adding a layer to the boundaries that does not let liquid through. Alterna vely, the tailings can be dehydrated into a paste, as done by Molycorp, China. Molycorp's tailing process was reported to cost approximately 10 million USD (Molycorp Annual Report, 2011). It is not possible for all mines to adopt above processes, however, every mine owner and company will be encouraged to do so. This will effec vely reduce the pollu on and thereby environmentally sustainable mining possible. New mines to be opened up will be required to fulfil a commitment towards reduc on in pollu on as well as the minimising effect to nearby areas. The Mineral Policy suggest that to reduce the pollu on, carbon footprint and opera onal costs, use of renewable sources of energy at mining sites will be encouraged through appropriate incen ves. Appropriate sensi za on training about environmental issues will be provided to all workers involved in mining opera ons. · Say No to mining This is harsh step suggested that we have to find alterna ve to mining ac vi es, which a very difficult step. Since mining ac vi es affects every part of our life by way of providing natural resources used in all material around us. 19