Cement, Energy and Environment

destruc on is actually going towards produc ve use. This step is basically emphasised on adop ng new measures useful in mi ga ng these environmental impacts. Let's push for a systema c framework that will help us monitor the environmental performance. We have to adopt prac ce of systema cally examining environmental impacts and adop ng measures to mi gate these impacts, it is possible to make mining less destruc ve to the environment. Incremental efficiency gains will not do the job. Instead, an imagina ve remaking of the industrial world- one that aligns economies with the natural environment that supports them is the sustainable way forward. The New Mineral Policy has given thrust on the Sustainable Development in mining sector by way of advising Government to set a benchmark against which all mining opera ons may be evaluated in terms of their compara ve performance on Sustainable development framework and enforce commitment on part of mining companies to adopt sustainable development prac ces for achieving environmental and social goals. · Proper waste disposal Correct waste disposal is vital to curbing the environmental impact of mines, as some mining companies do not dispose of their waste according to the guidelines. Companies can invest in equipment that helps in turning waste into reusable material, as well as adop ng policies that allow for a more eco- friendly waste disposal rou ne. Water can be reused on mining sites as grey water for washing equipment or flushing staff toilets. Mining companies should aim to reuse and recycle water as much as possible, and be sure that all unusable water is disposed of safely and responsibly. Scrap materials can be recycled or sold to companies who can reuse them in order to reduce the amount of waste produced on site. Recent study of NCCBM for increasing MgO content in clinker will substan ally reduce the waste material in limestone mine, which contains high MgO% in it. Similarly, more emphasis has been given by Government of India for increasing use of AFR in Cement industries to touch a target of 25% TSR basis. · Reduce output Mining produces materials such as solid waste, mine water and air par cles, all of which vary in their makeup and poten al for environmental contamina on. Waste management plans are required in order to prevent soil, air and water pollu on. These plans are also in place to appropriately store the large volumes of waste produced at mine sites. To reduce waste output, mines can look at using sustainable equipment. Much of the modern equipment used today is intended towards being environmentally friendly. Using cleaner produc on techniques, environmental control technologies, waste as raw material and process re- engineering are other ways to reduce the waste output of mines. · Few small steps during mining opera ons to achieve sustainable Mining These steps suggests below that mining companies shall consider during planning the mine development and produc on, for achieving environmentally sustainable mining process: - a) Dust suppression Processes: It is known fact that the mining process, generates large amounts of dust into the atmosphere. This mineral dust be minimized by pre-we ng the areas to be blasted with 18