Cement, Energy and Environment

15 Effec ve implementa on of this policy will not only protect environmental and public health, but also improve the lifespan of the mining industry and provide sustainable mining. The new Mineral Policy elaborates that extrac on of mineral impacts other natural resources like land, water, air and forest. It is necessary to take a comprehensive view to facilitate the choice or order of land use keeping in view of the needs of development as well as needs of protec ng the forests, environment and ecology and to conserve biodiversity of areas to be mined. The New Mineral Policy has also emphasised on the effec ve Mine Closure where once the resources in mine are completely exhausted there is need for scien fic mine closure which will not only restore ecology and regenerate bio-diversity but also take into account the socio- economic aspects of such closure. Government has a role in ensuring that post produc on mine decommissioning and land reclama on are an integral part of mine development process. Consistent approaches are adopted for efficient and effec ve mine reclama on and rehabilita on. · Inves ng in Research and Development of Environmentally sustainable Mining Technology Mining industry is always in need of proper research and development in order to make sure the industry is ready for today's ever-changing commitment to sustainability and turning the world into a more “environmentally sustainable' place. New Mineral Policy has emphasised on “ Scien fic Methods of Mining ” which state that the mine development and mineral conserva on, as governed by the Rules and Regula ons, will be on sound scien fic basis, with the regulatory agencies like IBM and State Directorates, closely interac ng with R&D organisa on and scien fic and professional bodies. This is to ensure the proper mining prac ces being followed by mining companies. Policy advocates for R&D effort shall be made to improve efficiency in process, opera on and also the recovery of by- products and reduc on in specifica on and consump on norms. R&D efforts shall be directed to find new and alterna ve uses for minerals whose tradi onal demand is on the wane. In this regard, as per the latest News published by NCCBM (NCB News, Sept 2019), the NCCBM has achieved great success with recent research and development with Inves ga on of standardiza on of new clinker for blended cement. The objec ve of the study was to inves gate effects of high MgO clinker on Responsible and Regulated mining near surrounding habita ons of Silver Mine at Peru.